How To Fix Reason File Bad Format

  1. How To Fix Bad Format Reason File

Possible Reasons and Solutions. Now you can access the C drive and check whether there are large files taking too much disk space. Tip: for some reasons, files like Windows.edb only shows in Safe Mode. In this case, you can boot your PC into Safe Mode and check your C drive to find the files eating your hard drive space.

You can always contact product support for such cases where Reason thinks your saved document is corrupted. Usually the cause is not Reason, but hard disk file integrity, USB-disk detached before OS completed writing and such things. If Reason was part of the cause, it can be repaired. The recorded audio data in audio clips is plain and can be recovered even if the song data is broken. The song data in the document files is specific to Reason, and can only be interpreted by using a working Reason-license, which is a major part of the DRM/licensing-system for Reason, yes. If you have any issue with the song data in any document file, we will help as I mentioned.

Ok here's a workaround for a bad format error if it's RE related. Simply delete the 'offending' RE that you're having trouble with, then reopen your track and you should get the cardboard rack insert instead for the missing REs if in use. At this point, save as a new track file (as long as opened ok). Then close Reason.

Go to your Props account and resync the REs. Once finished, open Reason and you should be able to open your salvaged track, and have the ability to add in the RE that was giving you headache. Short of that, if you can't find the RE that gave you headache, try deleting all REs, see if the track opens and if it does save as a really heavily salvaged project file, and gradually reintroduce REs to your machine, rebuilding the track at each stage. A PITA agreed, but we found this helped out when an RE had a control changed / removed and a project file had an older version (broke reverse-compatibility). LABONERECORDINGS wrote:Ok here's a workaround for a bad format error if it's RE related. Simply delete the 'offending' RE that you're having trouble with, then reopen your track and you should get the cardboard rack insert instead for the missing REs if in use. At this point, save as a new track file (as long as opened ok).

Then close Reason. Go to your Props account and resync the REs. Once finished, open Reason and you should be able to open your salvaged track, and have the ability to add in the RE that was giving you headache. Short of that, if you can't find the RE that gave you headache, try deleting all REs, see if the track opens and if it does save as a really heavily salvaged project file, and gradually reintroduce REs to your machine, rebuilding the track at each stage. A PITA agreed, but we found this helped out when an RE had a control changed / removed and a project file had an older version (broke reverse-compatibility) Thanks! I'll try this later.


Damasio wrote:Joooohhhh what is this shit? I'm having it with a project i have been working on for weeks. When i try to open it, i get 'File has bad format' I have brand new macbook, this is UNACCEPTABLE!!!!! Have you check if there's maybe a beta version of a RE included in these songs. Happened to me a couple of times. I do hope the Props fix this because it shouldn't happen.

Never had any song locked in Ableton over the years. Locked songs are show stoppers. I guess a client would be furious if he would see me open such a file with an error. LABONERECORDINGS wrote:Ok here's a workaround for a bad format error if it's RE related. Simply delete the 'offending' RE that you're having trouble with, then reopen your track and you should get the cardboard rack insert instead for the missing REs if in use. At this point, save as a new track file (as long as opened ok). Then close Reason.

Go to your Props account and resync the REs. Once finished, open Reason and you should be able to open your salvaged track, and have the ability to add in the RE that was giving you headache. Short of that, if you can't find the RE that gave you headache, try deleting all REs, see if the track opens and if it does save as a really heavily salvaged project file, and gradually reintroduce REs to your machine, rebuilding the track at each stage.

A PITA agreed, but we found this helped out when an RE had a control changed / removed and a project file had an older version (broke reverse-compatibility) Ok I tried this and it didn't work, unfortunately. Marco Raaphorst wrote:Got a reply from support: 'I'm afraid that I can't open the file either. It is hard to say what could have happened to the file but if can occur if the saving process is interrupted in some way or if you store your files on an external drive and eject the drive in an unsafe way.

Just to be sure you should always keep a back up of your importans sessions on a separate drive.' So fuck me, my file is dead. Music gone!!!! Horrible when that happens.

How To Fix Reason File Bad Format

Reason should have some automated file integrity check. If you turn it on, every time it saves, the saved file is re-read and validated in the background. I guess if the file hasn't actually been flushed to disk, and that migration is the problem - perhaps it can be forced to flush to disk (or is that an OS-only decision?). It occurred after i upgraded to reason 9.2, i don't do betatesting and deleting re's didn't help.

The damage might be too large for me to stick with reason, i can't be creative with that anxiety of losing all that work over me. Maybe this is a sign to diversify my usage of daws. The loss of trust is huge. Its unforgivable that there is no backdoor, or save boot functionality built in to solve this. So one weird bug and thats it???? All the work gone???

How to fix bad format reason file

All the music gone???? It's a bug in 9.2, PH is working on that bug as we are discussing this. Damasio wrote:It occurred after i upgraded to reason 9.2, i don't do beta testing and deleting re's didn't help. The damage might be too large for me to stick with reason, i can't be creative with that anxiety of losing all that work over me. Maybe this is a sign to diversify my usage of daws. The loss of trust is huge. Its unforgivable that there is no backdoor, or save boot functionality built in to solve this.

So one weird bug and thats it???? All the work gone??? All the music gone???? It's a bug in 9.2, PH is working on that bug as we are discussing this.!!!Thanks for the link!!!

I had two songs I was working on recently that started having this error. I'm scarred to work on anything else at the moment. I started working on some songs in Version 8 until they get this issue fixed. The one thing I like about switching between different DAWs is that it forces you do things differently, at least for me creating music that I would have never thought of in Reason. Reasons workflow in IMO is more intuitive than Studio one 3 and Bitwig but I love the different things they do. I've had a problem with a sample (including a Dr. Rex sample) no longer being able to save (and thus disappearing when the song is loaded again), l think it happened when my computer went into hibernation and awoke again.

It has happened twice now. I wish there was a history of file versions automatically generated in the scratch folder, which l could restore from. I might just change my hibernation settings but l'm a bit upset about the lack of automatic versioning.

How To Fix Bad Format Reason File

OK l don't know if it's normal to even have automatic versioning, but surely the program could check how much free disk space you got, or let you allocate a size for scratch folder, and based on that, it could fill it with a history of versions for at least until you shut down the computer. I haven't had any problems yet with 9.2 (fingers crossed) but good advice to avoid this kind of situation is to save the song file with a different name after any major revisions - I usually append the date to the end of the filename. Also if you're on Windows you could try right clicking the reason file in explorer/my computer and choose properties from the context menu.

When the dialog box pops up click the 'Previous Versions' tab. Depending on how your OS is set up you may find there are versions there that you can recover. Lastly, if anyone has suffered anything similar and is working on a commercial basis that means they are prepared to spend money to recover data you can always go to a data recovery specialist although they probably wouldn't be that much help with the specific situations above. I'm a Digital Forensic Analyst which is like data recovery on steroids - I can't do stuff for free as I really don't have time but if anyone is absolutely desperate I'm contactable through this forum.

Cheers Aiden.

Flash memory is considered insulated from jerks and related damage. However, these USB pen drive do get corrupt as I noticed. I use a top branded USb pen drive and am using it for the last 6 months and it worked very well. (Never rely on cheap unbranded usb drives – you never know when your data is lost) So of late, when I started to open my powerpoint presentations, they would not open. Some error had occurred during transfer or storage as the main file from which it was transferred worked well. So the problem was in a data storage as the transfer was smooth. Fix USB Flash Drives An important precaution is not to remove the pen drive while the data is being transferred.

Always remove the pen drive after stopping it. Go to ‘Safely remove hardware’ (green arrow icon art bottom right corner). Stop the usb mass storage drive and when it says it is safe to remove it, then remove it. Always check by opening your important files before that important presentation.

If it does not open now, probably it will not open there also. If it works now, it should work there also. If for some reason your file does not work. Transfer another copy of the file with a renamed version – it may work. If you delete the file and retransfer the same file with the same name and size, it probably gets written to the same area and will not work.

A different name with a different size gets written to another area and can work. Its better to transfers 2 copies of your file anyway. If you want the presentation to work on older computers (like Windows 98), do not forget to take the drivers CD which will allow such computers to recognize your plug and play usb drive.

Always keep this invaluable CD handy, you never know when you encounter an older computer. I also keep a copy of the Wind 98 driver on the USB drive, can become useful one day. Flash drive data still getting corrupted After going to My Computer, Right click the Removable drive, Go to Properties Tools.

Run Error Checking and Scan for errors and fix them. The files that are corrupt or in bad sectors already will not work but at least the new transferred files should work.

Format USB drive. Remember formatting flash drives will delete all the data from your USB drive and make it fresh and hopefully remove all errors. The software for formatting comes on the CD or available on support sites for your branded usb drive on the net. For some reason, when I ran this formatting software, it would say the USB drive is not connected. How did I format my flash drive? Right click removable drive and select and format the drive. Then scan and fixes all errors.

In the File System drop down, you will see FAT and FAT32. So which one to select? If you right click Removable Drive Properties The General Properties of the USB drive reveals it is FAT, so I use FAT in the format utility.

Then just select “ Quick Format” and “Start” and all data will be deleted and hopefully all errors are now gone. If still none of these tips work – Get hold of the warranty and get it fixed from customer support. If all fails.

Its time to buy a new high memory storage USB drive! WARNIN: Please try this at your own risk.

Y ou may land up deleting all data or making your drive unusable. Seek professional help if needed. Recently a friend gave me a flash drive to test (verify) it. As the documentation sais it’s a SONY Micro Vault USM8024 Mass Storage Device with a capacity of 8 GB!!!, with an unbeliveable low price of under 90$. It was suspicious at first, of course, so I plugged it in, and the system (Win XP OS) recognized it, installed the drivers automatically, and reported the capacity of 8 GB! When I re-connected the device, the system reports that everithing is O.K. But when I attempted to access the drive reported ” There is no disk in the drive”.

I opened the properties to see the volume information which is reported UNKNOWN. I could,t format it under Windows, and it’s own disk formatter could’t access the drive too.

If someone had an experience with a drive like this, i coluld use a help. Or, be carefull if someone offers you a flash drive like this!!! It may NOT be an authentic SONY product!!! I also was duped with the 8G Sony drive on eBay. It is as fake as it gets. They are REAL USB drives, cheap 128MB or 512MB drives with a driver that tricks Windows into thinking its 8G.

The drive works flawlessly until the maximum storge limit is reached. Then all files added show up as 0 and FORMAT is the only way to make it usable again. I filed a formal report to Sony and they confirmed that world wide Sony makes nothing bigger than a 2GB USB Memory Vault.

ALL 4G and 8G drives are fake, with fake packaging, manuals, the works So quit looking for a “fix” or a way to make the drive bigger, it does not have the space to begin with! I have a 1GB scan disk cruzer micro usb device.

Prob with that device is i am unable to perform any operations. I am unable to write the contents to disk n also i’m unlucky in formatting the device, i tried in all windows n linux operating systems.

O.S’s are able to detect the usb device but are not able to perform any more actions. I tried all the ways to format the disk, control panel admin tools computer management to DOS format command. While formatting it display an error at 99% n while writing any contents to disk, error “the request could not be performed because of I/O device error ” gets alerted. I am least bothered about the data in the disk. So plz help me how to format the disk n make re-use of it.

Reply me at: Dear All, I’ve been using a SanDisk Cruzer Micro flashdisk for 9 months. Just recently it sends a “Device I/O Error” when I try to copy anything to it. It’s still being found by the OS and I can read the data but very slowly. I already tried every solution that is presented here and all failed. However when I formatted the drive frm command prompt it returned an “Invalid media or Track 0 bad” error. Does it mean that I should trash it and buy another one?

Please some pro give me some suggestions. Cheers, Mehdi.

FLASH DRIVE NOT DETECTED BY COMPUTER Hello. I think i have the same problem as Scott Harrisson, person leaving comment number 32.

Computers could’t read my flash drive anymore, it’s an iMax 256mb. My friend thinks it got burned, and i do think too, because it got too hot it scathed my skin as i removed it from the USB port. The desktop did’t read my flash disk in the first place, nor my camera. I have a one very important question: Is the chance that i can retrieve my data? Please, please do comment on this. I hope somebody can help me with this.

Thanks so much in advance! The problem with the counterfeit Sony drives is not just the 4&8 GB. My buddy brought back a bunch of 1GB drives from China. They are really 512MB drives. Note that when you reformat, sometimes Windows will clue you in and say after formatting that 512MB is already used space, with 512 free.

However when you use the “quick format” check box option, it doesn’t detect it, and says you have 1GB free. You can add data until you reach the halfway mark, then it says “sector not found” or whatever.

Someone needs their ass kicked for this. I have a SanDisk Micro Cruzer 1gb the older kind with the translucent skins. For some reason I don’t know why but in XP the drive shows up under it’s own letter, but it seems in Windows Explorer you don’t see the capacity and used/free space in the right pane like you do with hard drives. Weird thing is I used to see this info, I don’t know why now the only way to find out the capacity and space left is to right click on it and hit properties.

I tried re-formatting it in FAT and FAT32 and it is the same not showing the details. I have a 1GB scan disk cruzer micro usb device. Prob with that device is i am unable to perform any operations. I am unable to write the contents to disk n also i’m unlucky in formatting the device, O.S’s are able to detect the usb device but are not able to perform any more actions.

I tried all the ways to format the disk, control panel admin tools computer management to DOS format command. While formatting it display an error at 99% n while writing any contents to disk, error “the request could not be performed because of I/O device error ” gets alerted. I am least bothered about the data in the disk. So plz help me how to format the disk n make re-use of it. Reply me at: I recently had a Crucial Gizmo 128MB flash drive which developed the ‘Please insert disk’ problem after I installed a new HP PSC2355 printer (it had worked perfectly previously).

I tried the re-format option mentiond and the drive formatted ok (win XP). I still got the ‘Please insert disk’ problem though. I noticed that when I right clicked on the pen drive in Windows Explorer and selected ‘Explore’ the contents of the next drive down the list were displayed. I then changed the drive letter for the pen drive (right-click my computer manage right-click the drive in question Change Drive Letter and Paths.

It has worked ok since then! Note that the drive letter I used was not the next available (I had C: – E:, M: – P:, so I used ‘K:’ for the pen drive. Maybe I was just lucky, but hopefully this might help resolve the problem for someone else. Hi guys, Now I wonder why didn’t I come to this site before. Well, my situation isn’t really that worst but yesterday I bought a cheap usb flash drive / mp3 player (fake SONY 2GB). Sometimes it works fine but, here’s what I have noticed while playing around with it. 1) It show 2 partitions, 1st with 1.86 GB and 2nd with 1 MB.

1st can be formatted fine and 2nd gives error. 2) If you copy multiple folders at a time, some files gets corrupted. 3) If you create a new folder manually, it can’t be deleted and there are lots of garbage files inside it. 4) Once, a file is copied fine, it works fine only. 5) Transfer rate is much slower than Transcend (which I used before). So guys, my recommendation is that, please don’t go for cheap flash drives.

You never know what you may losse. Let’s see how long it works and then I am gonna get a flash drive not less than Transcend or Creative.

I doubt anyone can help me but maybe someone can. My problem is (i think) different from anyone elses. Upon turning my mp3 player on it says “Error! Reformat Media” – which is fine but whenever I plug the thing into my PC (or any PC or even a Mac for that matter) the host system freezes up when attempting to access the drive. Therefore it doesn’t appear as a drive. Main hoon don dj remix mp3 download.

But as soon as I unplug it, everything unfreezes. It wants me to reformat but i can’t because no computer in the world will let me access it!! The only thing i haven’t tried is linux, which i will try soon. To all unfortunates who were cheated(I am one of them.) If you bought a high capacity flash disk mp3 player and after formatting the size has been reduced, its most likely that u have been cheated by the vendor. The flash chip inside will be of lower size. They modify the firmware to show higher size to the operating system(like 2gb, 8gb etc).

Once you format, that modification is somehow gone and it will show the original size. (Less than original size actually, because the firmware takes some space).

You can confirm if you open the player and check the flash disk part number. ( I bought 2gb mp3player which showed 2gb when i checked in pc at the shop itself.

But once i formatted, it has become 482 mb. I opened it and the flash chip inside is 512 mb. So the best way to check whether it is 2gb is to copy 2gb data at the shop itself.