Install Mplayer Debian Wheezy Vlc


Advertisement Updated by Bertel King, Jr. on December 6th 2017 You’ve made the switch from Windows or Mac OS X, and now you’re looking for applications to install. Or maybe you’re a long-time Linux user who’s keeping an eye out for what’s new. Either way, you’ve come to the right place. You’ve already Linux has an intimidating image, making it seem like it would be difficult to start using it. But the switch from Windows and Mac is actually pretty easy, if you can ease yourself into it. And have From Gnome to KDE, from MATE to Unity, there's a lot of choice out there. Where should you start?

VLC on Raspbian; When using Raspbian, (like a full HD 1920x1080 Bluray Video by Nightwish) VLC media player for Debian GNU/Linux. Sep 01, 2012 Hi All, Followed the following steps and i had media playback on Raspbian “wheezy” $sudo apt-get update $sudo apt-get install mplayer mplayer-gui alsa C/GTK+. Download vlc packages for ALTLinux, Arch Linux, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, FreeBSD, Mageia, OpenMandriva, openSUSE, PCLinuxOS, ROSA, Slackware, Ubuntu.

Those are the big choices that determine what software you start with and what will run best on your machine. But now it’s time to delve through your distro’s app repositories to see what’s worth installing. Most of the software below is free and open source. Some applications are proprietary, and one on this list costs a good deal of money. The vast majority only require you to open up a package manager (such as Ubuntu Software, GNOME Software, Muon Discover, or YaST) and perform a search.

Or you can A key difference between the main Linux distros is the package manager; the differences are strong enough that it can influence your choice of distro. Let's look at how the various package managers work. A few require you to download an installer from a website.

If a link below doesn’t take you to a giant download button, then there’s a good chance the first approach will work just fine. So without further ado, here are the apps.

With the new Quantum update, Mozilla has given people reason to check out Firefox again. Linux users in particular may be happy to see support for client-side decorations, which makes Firefox feel more at home in desktop environments such as and.

Mozilla bakes in privacy options that don’t come with Chrome, one of The days when Chrome was the best browser are long gone. People are returning to Firefox! Is it time to switch (back)? Here are several reasons that may convince you. / By some measures, Chrome is now the king of the hill.

The browser has become so powerful that you can buy a Chromebook and Is a Chromebook for everyone? In a word: No.

There is a time and a place for a Chromebook. If you are contemplating this laptop replacement, there are a few things you should consider first. All of this functionality is available on Linux. You need to download Chrome from Google’s website, but you can download Chromium directly from many Linux repos. Opera isn’t open source, but it is free. You won’t find the web browser in your distro’s repos, but the website offers DEBs and RPMs for Linux.

Opera isn’t nearly as popular as Chrome or Firefox, but it’s the third most mainstream browser you can install on your Linux desktop. And since Opera continues to need ways to differentiate itself, the latest version contains a built-in ad blocker and a VPN. There aren’t many browsers developed explicitly for Linux. GNOME Web browser, also still known by its original name — Epiphany — is one of the older ones around.

Install mplayer debian wheezy vlc software

Later versions offer the best integration you will find with GNOME Shell. It lacks the add-ons found in mainstream browsers, but some users will like the minimalism, the speed, and the tab isolation that prevents one misbehaving site from crashing the entire browser. None of the above browsers look quite at home on the KDE Plasma desktop.

If visual integration is important to you, then I would suggest QupZilla. Support may not be as solid as the above browsers, but it will get you across most of the web. In the past I would have recommended, but that browser hasn’t seen a major update in a few years.

QupZilla remains under steady development. Email Thunderbird is the email client from Mozilla. While it doesn’t have quite the name recognition as Firefox, it is perhaps second only to Outlook in the world of dedicated email clients. This cross-platform tool operates the same on Linux as it does elsewhere, so there’s a decent chance new Linux users will find it familiar. Geary isn’t the default GNOME email client, but it looks the part.

Install Mplayer Debian Wheezy Vlc Software

This app comes from Yorba, a that also brought us the Shotwell photo manager. The Elementary Project has since forked Geary and, but it promises future updates will remain compatible with other distros. Evolution is the official email client of the GNOME project. It has grown long in the tooth, but in terms of features and stability, Geary doesn’t quite compare.

Plus Evolution comes with a built-in calendar, address book, and to-do list. Want a client that feels at home on the KDE desktop? This is the one. KMail is, but you can use the application independently for a more lightweight experience. Claws Mail is a great choice for a lightweight app that doesn’t have the heavy dependencies required by most of the alternatives. This makes it a good fit on lean desktops such as XFCE and LXDE.

With a, you get to keep most of the functionality you expect. Instant Messaging Pidgin is a cross-platform instant messenger that has been around for decades and attracted millions of users. The Electronic Frontier Foundation gave Pidgin a perfect score on its in summer 2015, so you don’t need to have friends spread across numerous messaging services to have this app installed. Empathy is the default client for GNOME.

As a result, it comes pre-installed on many distros that utilize that desktop environment. In addition to text, you can communicate using audio and video on protocols supported by the. This is the KDE community’s new approach to instant messaging. Compared to other options, KDE Telepathy offers better integration with the Plasma desktop. It replaces, KDE’s previous default instant messenger for many years. HomeBank is a GTK-based tool that wasn’t designed with any particular desktop environment in mind. It offers perhaps the simplest presentation of any accounting app on this list.

It’s also available on whichever operating system you want, so if you hop back and forth between PCs and MacBooks, this may be the way to go. Office Suites LibreOffice is the best office suite you can find on Linux. It’s LibreOffice is the king of free office suites. It's unlikely to replace Microsoft Office in a business environment, but it's an excellent alternative for casual users.


Here's what's new in LibreOffice 5.1. That millions of people install it on Windows. Without spending a buck, you get most of the features you could want and great compatibility with Microsoft Office’s document formats. LibreOffice is a massive suite, so it can feel heavy at times. GNOME offers GNOME Office doesn't exist. These ten apps don't form a cohesive office suite, but they come close, and are likely to help you be productive from your Linux desktop., and they take up fewer system resources. If you don’t need quite as many features and aren’t as concerned about maintaining compatibility with Microsoft Office, you may find you prefer AbiWord and Gnumeric to LibreOffice Writer and Calc.

Calligra is an office suite that feels at home on KDE. The interface is designed with wide-screen monitors in mind, and like the Plasma desktop as a whole, it’s very customizable. Calligra isn’t as mature as LibreOffice or GNOME Office, but it’s worth using if you prefer to stick with QT applications. Audacity is a great place to start, but if audio is your bread and butter, you may want to step up to Ardour. This is a full-blown digital audio workstation intended for professional use.

Ardour isn’t the only tool of its kind for Linux, but it does happen to be the foundation other tools such as are based on. Audacity is a popular tool for recording and editing audio.

Want to record an album or make your own podcast? Audacity is an easy recommendation across Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X alike. GIMP is the most mature and feature-rich image editor available for any open source desktop.

It’s also the best free application of its kind across any operating system. GIMP is an alternative to PhotoShop, and more than capable of holding its own.

Some people may prefer the Adobe interface, but with the several years back, GIMP may feel more familiar than you think. Ready to get serious? Lightworks is arguably the best video editor on the Linux desktop. It’s good enough that several Hollywood productions have used this app to produce feature films. But there’s a cost — a big one. The pro version of Lightworks will cost you hundreds of dollars.

Fortunately the free version gives you all of the same tools, as long as you’re fine with exporting to MPEG-4 at 720p. Media Players If VLC can’t play the file you want to watch, there’s a good chance it can’t be played. This app is so good at it’s job that it’s one of the first installs you see on many Windows machines. The interface can feel cluttered or outdated, but you won’t be disappointed by the functionality. The default video editor for the GNOME desktop is simple by design. It plays any media formats supported by GStreamer. The options aren’t the most thorough, but it does a great job of staying out of the way so you can focus on what you’re watching.

Vocal is a podcast client developed for Elementary OS. That means it comes with all the simplicity and style common to that distro’s apps. The software is in an early stage, but this is one of the more exciting podcast-related developments Linux has seen since, which hasn’t seen an update in three years. Music Players Rhythmbox is a classic.

If you’ve used iTunes, you know how to navigate your way around this one-stop-shop of a music player. Access your library, listen to podcasts, and download new music from Creative Commons online stores. The app hasn’t changed much in the past decade, but it consistently gets the job done. While Rhythmbox looks out of place on a default GNOME desktop, Lollypop feels right at home. It takes design cues from the simple player, but it doesn’t skimp on features — showing that following GNOME guidelines doesn’t require an app to be basic. Amarok is the juggernaut of the KDE music scene. It also manages to pack the same features of Rhythmbox (and more) without looking like an iTunes clone.

You can thoroughly tweak the interface and add plugins to make Amarok fit your tastes. If I could only recommend one music app on the Linux desktop, this would be it. Not only is digiKam the best photo management application available for Linux, you could argue that it’s the best option on any desktop operating system, period. If you’re a professional photographer looking to switch to Linux, this is the place to start. DigiKam will import RAW files, manage metadata, apply tags, create labels, and turn your terabytes of photos into something manageable. All the while, it’s simple of enough for casual users to embrace, too. Gwenview is the default image viewer on a KDE Plasma desktop, but it also makes for a great photo manager.

You can browser folders and make simple edits to files without having to install any extra software. Thanks to the wide range of plugins, that’s hardly the limit to what you can do. Gwenview is compelling enough that you may want to use it even if you’re not a fan of KDE. Like Gwenview, gThumb is an image viewer that can double as a photo manager. It also happens to be the most feature-rich option that looks at home on the GNOME desktop. It offers an ideal blend of functionality and simplicity that make it great for casual use, but it’s probably not the kind of software you’d want to build a business with.

Shotwell is the most straightforward photo manager for GTK-based desktop environments. It imports your photos from a camera, gives you a number of ways to group them, can apply tags, open RAW files, and make edits. It loads more quickly than digiKam and provides much of the same core functionality. Text Editors GNOME’s default text editor is When you think of plain text editors, the first thing that may pop into your head is Windows' Notepad application. It does exactly what its job description states - plain features for a plain text.

Install mplayer debian wheezy vlc software

It’s also a great way to type up basic notes. However you want to use it, it gets our recommendation. Kate is the default text editor for the KDE desktop environment, and. Since this is KDE we’re talking about, much of the advanced functionality is easy to find in the many application menus. Plus you can tweak the interface until your heart’s content. Yakuake does what Guake does, only for KDE. You know the drill by now.

When you’re not using a GTK-based desktop, it’s nice to have an alternative option. Yakuake is a top-down terminal written in QT. Development Eclipse is the go-to IDE on Linux, but it’s widely used on other operating systems too. It has a large community and plenty of plugins. As a result, there’s a good chance that Eclipse has the features you need. Atom is a text editor developed by GitHub. The goal was to design a hackable text editor for the 21st century.

People have developed so many plugins that Atom makes for a great development tool. You can even use it as an IDE. Geany is neither a text editor nor a full-blown IDE. It’s Surprisingly, Linux doesn't offer that many good IDE's (Integrated Development Environments). I believe this is because back in the day most Linux programmers took out good old Notepad (or gedit in this case), and started.

You can compile and run software, view a list of defined functions in the current file, and more. Maintenance Despite GNOME’s focus on simplicity, the desktop is very customizable. With the After using GNOME for a while, you may wish to change a few things about the overview mode, or even tweak the panel.

These eight extensions help you do just that! and a few extra apps, you can change many aspects of your computer’s interface. GNOME Tweak Tool is one of those extra apps. Want to change fonts or toggle the extensions you’ve installed? This is the place to be.

Unity Tweak Tool is a similar app, but it’s designed with Ubuntu’s Unity interface in mind. The core concept is the same.

Download this app to edit virtual desktops, adjust animations, and tweak other aspects that Ubuntu doesn’t let you do by default. Linux doesn’t need the kind of regular system maintenance that Windows requires, but there are times when we might want to give parts of our machines a powerwash. BleachBit can do that. This tool securely deletes files and “cleans” a large list of applications.

There are plenty more apps where that came from. Linux has great options for handling finances, While it's certainly past its prime, IRC is still alive and kicking today – so alive, in fact, that dozens of clients are still being actively developed., Adobe has refused to make its Creative Suite compatible with Linux, so how do you edit photos, movies, and audio, create vectors, and more? Well, you create your own open source creative suite!, and so much more! These days, you can even SteamOS certainly isn't a requirement for Linux gaming, as games can be played on virtually any distribution. But what SteamOS alternatives are out there, ready to download and install? filled with Big-budget games are coming to Linux, thanks to graphic driver improvements and the arrival of SteamOS. Here are five, top-tier games which undeniably demonstrate the potential of Linux as a platform for gaming. and Linux gamers have some real gems available - if you know where to look! These 10 games aren't new, but if you're a Linux newcomer, they'll offer some great, free gaming experiences.

Alien head pepakura files. We could add many apps to this list, and we intend to do so in the future. Until then, why don’t you shout out your favorites in the comments below? Original article written by Danny Stieben.

You may have seen references here and elsewhere to a new kid on the video-player block called Mpv. It's a fork of Mplayer2, which is a fork of Mplayer, which must be feeling so inadequate right now. So how does Mpv compare? It has a few new features but is generally the same as Mplayer, a shell-based video player with a thousand options under the hood. So I thought I'd do a little test comparison, running the same files through each player and see how they measure up in CPU usage. Just for kicks, I'll throw in VLC, too. For my testing, I used a Powerbook with a 1.5 GHz G4 running Debian Wheezy.

As Mpv is only available in the Jessie repository, getting it on Wheezy was a bit of a pain but possible. Also, I used three movie files to compare: a black and white 640 X 480 Xvid file, and two color 720p files, one an mp4 and the other an mkv. This testing isn't all that rigorous or in-depth, but I think it's useful as a general impression and might be an eye-opener. On to the numbers!